Our Mission


We aim to live in a world where Christians regularly share their faith with confidence, leading others to Christ, without being confrontational or compromising values.


Challenge the Culture. Start with a Conversation. Share the Love of Christ.

Many people find it difficult to share their Christian faith with unbelievers. According to Barna Research Group (2018), an increasing number of Christians no longer share their faith. Nearly 30% of Christians believe it's the job of the local church. We believe it is the responsibility of every believer to share the Gospel (Matthew 28:19-20).

Our products help people connect their story to God's story. We're on a mission to help believers share their faith with confidence. We are dedicated to equipping ad encouraging believers to share their testimonies of God's grace.


Core Values:

Integrity: We live according to Biblical truths that guide our actions, words, and attitudes. We are accountable to God. We will live honorably before the Lord and people.

Joy: We are excited to serve God and others. We take delight and great pleasure in serving God and His people.

Creativity & Innovation: We will use our God-given ability to think outside the box, see things from a different perspective, and take the initiative to create new ways to solve problems.

Gratitude: We are grateful people who show appreciation in multiple ways. We create a warm, loving environment through acts of kindness and words of encouragement.

Excellence: We will always do our best work and look for ways to improve. Excellence honors God and inspires people.

Dignity: We see everyone as image bearers of God. We will treat others with a high level of respect as people made in the image of God.

Humility: We lift up others. We defend the faith and proclaim the Gospel without being combative or confrontational.


Core Beliefs:

We believe God is a Loving Father.

We believe God Loves Every Shape and Size.

We believe Christians can share their faith without being confrontational or compromising values.

We believe it is the responsibility of every Christian to share the Gospel.

We believe the Word of God (the Bible) is true and still relevant for the modern believer.